The PDPO and the PCPD

Having robust legal grounds for data transfers is an important part of good data ethics. Moreover, the law requires data users to adhere to principles of transparency. This includes notifying data subjects of the fact that their personal data will be transferred outside Hong Kong and explaining the underlying grounds. Additionally, data exporters should take legal advice in respect of contractual arrangements with data importers to confirm that these provisions will be enforceable in the location of the data importer.

The PCPD is keen to promote greater compliance with cross-border data transfer laws. It has published extensive guidance on the subject, including recommended model clauses that can be included in contracts. It has also contributed to a study of business impact assessments for data importers. The PCPD’s work is in line with a policy of promoting a free and open flow of data within the economy.

It is important to note that, unlike GDPR, Hong Kong’s PDPO does not apply extra-territorially. It only applies to a data user that controls all or part of its operations in, or from, Hong Kong. This is a far more stringent test than that applied by many other data privacy regimes.

Moreover, the PDPO contains stricter requirements for a data user to notify the public of a proposed transfer and to obtain the prescribed consent of data subjects. It also requires a data user to obtain the prescribed consent of a data subject for any change in purpose for which that data was collected. While this step is less onerous in Hong Kong than under GDPR, it remains a significant requirement for data users.

The PDPO requires a data user to use contractual or other means to prevent personal data transferred to data processors (whether in or out of Hong Kong) from being kept longer than is necessary for the processing of that data (DPP2 and DPP4). Furthermore, the PDPO imposes liability on a data user for its agents’ or contractors’ breach of its requirements.

The free movement of data is a critical element in the success of Hong Kong’s economy. It should continue to be encouraged. The PDPO’s current provisions, while not ideal, remain an effective tool for ensuring this. However, as the Mainland makes progress with reforming its data protection laws, it is likely that increased cross-border flows will become an inevitable part of our business life. These changes will require us to review our existing policies and to make them more robust. It is important that we do this while retaining the flexibility that allows Hong Kong to be a global leader in data protection and technology. Until that time, businesses should continue to ensure that they are fully aware of their obligations under the PDPO. They should be proactive in addressing any shortcomings in their practices. This is the best way to avoid data breaches that can have serious consequences for both customers and the business itself. It is also an opportunity to reinforce the importance of data privacy in the workplace.

What is the HK Prize?

The hk prize is one of the most prestigious awards in Asia, drawing thousands of applicants each year. In addition to a substantial monetary reward, winners also gain access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities. The program aims to encourage secondary school students to pursue their passions and develop a global vision.

Those interested in competing for the prize should visit its official website for more information. There they can find helpful hints and lists of past winners. The competition is highly competitive, so students should study hard and participate in extracurricular activities if they hope to make the cut.

Last year, Reuters photographer Jorge Silva won the award for capturing the spirit of resistance in Hong Kong against China’s rule. His photo of a woman with fury on her face as she held a Chinese flag at a candlelight vigil captured a moment that showed the courage and determination of pro-democracy activists. In his essay for the prize, he noted that “Freedom is down but not dead,” and that it’s important to remember that Hong Kong’s struggle against Beijing is a global one.

The Hong Kong Prize is an international scholarship program that rewards high school students for their academic accomplishments and extracurricular activities, encouraging them to follow their passions and broaden their global perspective. The scholarship also gives them the opportunity to experience Hong Kong’s top research facilities and culture. It is an excellent way to get a taste of the city’s culture and learn more about its history and politics.

Since its inception, the HK Prize has honored individuals who embody humanity through humanitarian deeds that benefit our collective future. These achievements have ranged from an artist interpreting human rights into fine art concepts to an individual who uses technology to aid homeless people. The HK Prize is an honorary title and includes a cash prize of HK$ 2,000,000, a certificate, and a trophy. The award is open to researchers in a wide range of fields, including artificial intelligence and robotics, life and health, new materials and energy, and advanced manufacturing. No more than five persons (or teams) in each award field can be recognized per year.

In addition to the monetary award, a winner of the HK Prize will have access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities for six months. This will provide the chance to network with fellow scientists and gain valuable insight into Hong Kong’s vibrant science community. In addition, the HK Prize will help them build a strong foundation for their career in scientific pursuits.

In order to be eligible for the HK Prize, an individual must submit a paper related to clinical studies, observational or epidemiological studies that have a strong scientific basis. This work cannot be a case report or a review article, and must be first-authored by the applicant. The submissions will be evaluated by an independent expert panel, and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony.