Keeping up to date with the latest data sgp is important for many reasons. This information can help educators identify strengths and weaknesses in their students’ performance, determine areas that need improvement, and set goals for the future. It can also be used to communicate student progress to families. Using individual SGP results is an effective way to increase parent engagement in education.
A key feature of SGP is the ability to compare the growth of one student with another. This allows for a more accurate comparison of growth than would be possible by simply looking at the differences in a student’s statewide assessment scores. For example, if a sixth grader’s scale score increased by 70 points this year over last, that could be compared with the growth of other sixth graders in the state who had a similar starting score.
To compute a student’s SGP, up to two years of historical MCAS data are considered. Students are matched with academic peers who have comparable MCAS histories and are in the same grade level. These peers can be drawn from any demographic group, including student race/ethnicity and educational programs (e.g., sheltered English immersion, special education). Statistical procedures, such as quantile regression, are then used to place a student’s MCAS performance on a normative scale and to identify their percentile rank.
The data that makes up a student’s SGP is based on multiple sources, including state assessments, grades and teacher observations. Educators can view and download the full SGP report for each of their students. They can also access aggregated data for their district and school, including the state average SGP.
SGP reports are easy to understand and interpret, making them an essential tool for interpreting student achievement. They contain detailed descriptions of a student’s performance, including the student’s overall growth in academic skills and the specific domains measured on the assessment. They also include detailed breakdowns of how a student’s growth has varied over time, by subject area and by subgroup.
Providing accessible, reliable data is a top priority for our department. This year, the department is working to make it easier for teachers and schools to use SGPs by developing a user-friendly online data portal and by adding new features to the current data system. We’re also working to improve our communications about SGPs and provide training opportunities for districts and schools. We’re also making it easier for parents to get the information they need to support their children’s learning. We hope to have these updates available to you this fall. Thank you for your patience as we work to develop and implement these changes. Please continue to send us your questions and feedback. We appreciate your continued partnership with us as we work together to achieve our mission of preparing students for success in college, career and life. Learn more about SGP and access your child’s individual data by visiting the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education website.